mardi 17 juin 2008

Remote connection and configuring ps2link

To connect remotely to the PS2, I had outlined 2 steps:
  1. launch the ps2link.elf on the memory card
  2. use ps2client (included in the toolchain) to connect to it
Simple? No.
  • The included doc does not explain how the ps2client works
  • Once launched, ps2client does not give feedback (it is not hung up)
Since I was not even sure ps2link was working, I downloaded the Xlink client for Windows from the Loaders page of I discovered the ominous messages on the TV display were indicating a problem: ps2link was initializing with a wrong IP adress. When starting, ps2link gets it's IP configuration from an IPCONFIG.DAT file found in the same directory it is situated. It also uses the information from a second EXTRACONF.DAT file. That's not documented of course...

I quickly solved the problem by editing the IPCONFIG.DAT file on my memory card. The file has 2 lines: first is IP config (adress, netmask, ?) and second points to the EXTRACONF.DAT file.

As of now, I have the following files in my memory card's BOOT directory:
The BOOT.ELF is the boot manager I use to launch ps2link.elf. BOOT2.ELF is the Aura for laura demo. The IRX files are support files for the boot manager and ps2link.

The modus operandi to access remotely to the PS2 is this:
  1. Start the PS2 holding the R1 button to launch the loader
  2. Use the loader to browse to and start ps2link.elf; ps2link starts with the IP (which I specified)
  3. Start Xlink on Windows and configure the IP as
Through Xlink, I can now start ELF files directly from my PC . I can have some console output, and I can send executables to each unit of the PS2 and peek around in the memory and registers. That's good, but it is not in my Ubuntu development virtual machine so I will try to find a GUI program for ps2client.

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